Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

OpenBSD – Memahami Step by Step

OpenBSD versi 5.2 Realese
1.1 –  Apa itu OpenBSD
OpenBSD suatu proyek Operating System (OS) berbasasis UNIX 4.4 BSD yang  tersedia secara bebas multi-platform. Tujuan dari proyek ini adalah  menempatkan perhatian pada kebenaran, keamanan, standarisasi, dan portabilitas. (emphasis on correctness, security, standardization, and portability).
1.2 –  Mengapa Saya Menggunakan OpenBSD
Pengguna baru sering ingin tahu apakah OpenBSD lebih unggul terhadap sistem UNIX lainnya-seperti operasi. Pertanyaan sebagian besar terjawab dan merupakan subyek perdebatan (dan tidak berguna) keyakinan (mahzab) yang tak terhitung jumlahnya.
Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa kami pikir OpenBSD adalah sistem operasi yang berguna:
OpenBSD berjalan pada banyak platform hardware yang berbeda.
OpenBSD dipikirkan oleh para profesional keamanan banyak sebagai sistem UNIX-seperti system operasi yang paling aman, sebagai hasil dari audit kode tidak pernah berakhir sumber keamanan yang komprehensif.
OpenBSD adalah fitur lengkap UNIX-seperti sistem operasi yang tersedia dalam bentuk source tanpa biaya.
OpenBSD mengintegrasikan teknologi mutakhir keamanan yang cocok untuk membangun firewall dan layanan jaringan pribadi dalam lingkungan terdistribusi.
OpenBSD manfaat dari pembangunan berkelanjutan yang kuat di banyak daerah, menawarkan peluang untuk bekerja dengan teknologi dengan komunitas internasional programmer dan pengguna akhir.
1.3 - Apakah OpenBSD benar-benar gratis?
OpenBSD adalah semua Gratis. Binari bebas. Sumber ini gratis. Semua bagian dari OpenBSD memiliki istilah hak cipta hal itu wajar memungkinkan redistribusi bebas. Ini mencakup kemampuan untuk Reuse sebagian besar pohon sumber (source tree)  OpenBSD, baik untuk keperluan pribadi atau komersial. OpenBSD termasuk NO (tidak ada) pembatasan lebih lanjut selain yang tersirat oleh lisensi BSD yang asli. Software yang ditulis di bawah lisensi ketat tidak bisa disertakan dalam distribusi reguler OpenBSD. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menjaga penggunaan gratis dari OpenBSD. Sebagai contoh, OpenBSD dapat secara bebas digunakan untuk penggunaan pribadi, untuk penggunaan akademis, lembaga pemerintah, non-profit membuat dan oleh organisasi komersial. OpenBSD, atau bagian dari itu, juga dapat dengan bebas dimasukkan ke dalam produk komersial.
Orang-orang kadang bertanya apakah itu mengganggu kita bahwa pekerjaan bebas kita dimasukkan ke dalam produk komersial. Jawabannya adalah, kita akan lebih suka bahwa kode baik kita secara luas digunakan daripada harus reimplement vendor perangkat lunak komersial dan menciptakan solusi alternatif buruk kode atau tidak kompatibel untuk masalah sudah diselesaikan. Misalnya, ada kemungkinan bahwa SSH adalah sebuah protokol yang digunakan secara luas karena kebebasan ini, jauh lebih banyak digunakan daripada jika pembatasan telah ditempatkan pada bagaimana orang menggunakan kode OpenSSH. Jika solusi SSH gratis tidak tersedia untuk vendor untuk menggunakan (dalam banyak produk-produk berkembang pesat), mereka akan menulis atau membeli beberapa off-the crumy versi rak sebagai gantinya.
Ini bukan untuk mengatakan kita akan keberatan dengan dukungan keuangan atau perangkat keras sebagai tanda terima kasih. Pada kenyataannya, itu adalah menakjubkan betapa sedikit dukungan dalam bentuk apapun berasal dari perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergantung pada OpenBSD (atau OpenSSH) untuk produk mereka, tetapi tidak ada persyaratan kompensasi.
Untuk membaca lebih lanjut tentang lisensi populer lainnya baca: OpenBSD Kebijakan Hak Cipta.
Para pengelola OpenBSD mendukung proyek tersebut sebagian besar berasal dari kantong mereka sendiri. Ini termasuk waktu yang dihabiskan untuk proyek pemrograman, peralatan yang digunakan untuk mendukung banyak port, sumber daya jaringan yang digunakan untuk mendistribusikan OpenBSD kepada Anda, dan waktu yang dihabiskan menjawab pertanyaan dan menyelidiki laporan bug pengguna. Para pengembang OpenBSD tidak independen kaya dan bahkan kontribusi kecil waktu, peralatan, dan sumber daya membuat perbedaan besar.
1.4 – Install OpenBSD
Karena ini baku maka saya sertakan copypaste dari OpenBSD
Booting i386/amd64
Booting an install media on the i386 and amd64 PC platforms is nothing new to most people. Your system will have to be instructed to boot from whatever media you have chosen to use, usually through a BIOS setup option. If you want to boot from CD, your system BIOS must be able to and be set to boot from CD. Some older systems do not have this option, and you must use a floppy for booting your installation image. Don’t worry though; even if you boot from floppy you can still install from the CD if it is supported by OpenBSD (i.e., almost all IDE drives).
You can also install by booting bsd.rd from an existing OpenBSD partition, or over the network using the PXE boot process.

Booting sparc/sparc64

NOTE: On the sparc64 platform, only the SBus machines (Ultra 1, Ultra 2) are bootable from floppy.
You will need the system to be at a monitor ROM prompt, which typically looks like “ok “. If you are using a Sun keyboard, press and hold “STOP” while tapping “A”. If using a serial console, a BREAK should return you to the monitor prompt.
Use the following command to boot from the floppy:
  ok boot floppy
Usually, you can boot from the CDROM drive of a Sun system from the boot prompt by typing ‘boot cdrom‘:
  ok boot cdrom

Simple install

OpenBSD’s new installer is designed to install and configure OpenBSD in a very usable default configuration with very little user intervention. In fact, you can often just hit ENTER a number of times to get a good OpenBSD install, moving your hands to the rest of the keyboard only to enter the root password.
The installer will create a partitioning plan based on the size of your hard disk. While this will NOT be a perfect layout for all people, it provides a good starting point and a good overall strategy for figuring out what you need.
We will start with a very simple install, with brief discussions of the options provided, and using the magic of hypertext links, allow you to read more on the topics that interest you and explore your options.
Installation notes for each platform are on the install CDs and FTP servers, in the file INSTALL.<plat>, where <plat> is your platform, for instance, i386.

Starting the install

Whatever your means of booting is, it is now time to use it. During the boot process, the kernel and all of the programs used to install OpenBSD are loaded into memory. Once the install kernel is booted, the boot media is no longer needed, everything runs from the RAM disk. You can actually remove the CD or floppy you booted from at this point, assuming you don’t need the CD for installation files.
At almost any point during the OpenBSD install process, you can terminate the current install attempt by hitting CTRL-C and can restart it without rebooting by running install at the shell prompt. You can also enter a “!” at most places in the installation to get to a shell prompt, then exit the shell to return to the installer.
When your boot is successful, you will see a lot of text messages scroll by. This text, on many architectures in white on blue, is the dmesg, the kernel telling you what devices have been found and how they are hooked to other devices. A copy of this text is saved as /var/run/dmesg.boot.
Then, you will see the following:
  root on rd0a swap on rd0b dump on rd0b
  erase ^?, werase ^W, kill ^U, intr ^C, status ^T

  Welcome to the OpenBSD/i386 5.2 installation program.
  (I)nstall, (U)pgrade or (S)hell? i
And with that, we reach our first question. You have the three options shown:
  • Install: Load OpenBSD onto the system, overwriting whatever may have been there. Note that it is possible to leave some partitions untouched in this process, such as a /home, but otherwise, assume everything else is overwritten.
  • Upgrade: Install a new set of install files on this machine, but do not overwrite any configuration information, user data, or additional programs. No disk formatting is done, nor are the /etc or /var directories overwritten. A few important notes:
    • You will not be given the option of installing the etc52.tgz file. After the install, you will have to manually merge the changes of etc52.tgz into your system before you can expect it to be fully functional. This is an important step which must be done, as otherwise certain key services (such as pf(4)) may not start.
    • The Upgrade process is not designed to skip releases! While this will often work, it is not supported. For OpenBSD 5.2, upgrading 5.1 to 5.2 is the only supported upgrade. If you have to upgrade from an older version, upgrade to intermediate versions first, or if the system is very out-of-date, consider a complete reinstall.
  • More information on upgrading between releases can be found in the OpenBSD Upgrade Guide 5.2.
  • Shell: Sometimes, you need to perform repairs or maintenance to a system which will not (or should not) boot to a normal kernel. This option will allow you to do maintenance to the system. A number of important utilities are available on the boot media.
We are assuming you are choosing “(I)nstall” here.
The Install Questions
Now we start getting the questions that will define how the system is set up. You will note that in most cases, all the questions are asked up front, then the installation takes place. If you have a slow computer or a slow Internet connection, you will be able to answer these questions, walk away, come back later and only have to reboot the system to complete the install.
  At any prompt except password prompts you can escape to a shell by
  typing '!'. Default answers are shown in []'s and are selected by
  pressing RETURN.  You can exit this program at any time by pressing
  Control-C, but this can leave your system in an inconsistent state.

  Choose your keyboard layout ('?' or 'L' for list) [default] Enter
In most cases, the default keyboard layout (or terminal type if a serial console install is being done) is appropriate; however don’t just take the default, respond appropriately.
  System hostname? (short form, e.g. 'foo') puffy
This value, along with the DNS domain name (specified below), will be saved in the file /etc/myname, which is used during normal boot to set the hostname of the system. If you do not set the domain name of the system, the default value of ‘my.domain’ will be used.
  Available network interfaces are: fxp0 vlan0.
  Which one do you wish to configure? (or 'done') [fxp0] Enter
vlan0 is the VLAN virtual interface. For our purposes here, we are going to ignore this option and stick to the physical interfaces. If you have multiple physical interfaces, they will be listed here. Note that they are identified by driver name, not generic Ethernet devices. In this case, “fxp0” refers to the first device using thefxp(4) driver, fxp1 would be the second device, etc. More on device naming is in FAQ 6.
After selecting the device you wish to configure, you will now configure it. In many cases, you will want to configure it using DHCP:
  IPv4 address for fxp0? (or 'dhcp' or 'none') [dhcp] Enter
  Issuing hostname-associated DHCP request for fxp0.
  DHCPDISCOVER on fxp0 to port 67 interval 1
  DHCPOFFER from (08:00:20:94:0b:c8)
  DHCPREQUEST on fxp0 to port 67
  DHCPACK from (08:00:20:94:0b:c8)
  bound to -- renewal in 43200 seconds.
DHCP will configure the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, DNS domain name and DNS servers. If you are not using DHCP, you will need to specify all these things manually; see the more detailed discussion below.
If you have any IPv6 configuration to do or there are other interfaces to configure (or you don’t like how you configured the previous one), you can do that now, but in our case, we are done:
  IPv6 address for fxp0? (or 'rtsol' or 'none') [none] Enter
  Available network interfaces are: fxp0 vlan0.
  Which one do you wish to configure? (or 'done') [done] Enter
  Using DNS domainname example.org
  Using DNS nameservers at
  Do you want to do any manual network configuration? [no] Enter
If you answer “yes” to the “manual network configuration” question, you will be placed at a shell prompt, where you can configure anything else that needs configuration, then type “exit” to return back to the install program.
  Password for root account? (will not echo) PaSsWoRd
  Password for root account? (again) PaSsWoRd
Use a secure password for the root account. Remember, on the Internet, they ARE out to get into your computer, and they will be trying lots of common passwords people think are really clever.
You will later be given a chance to create an administrative account and disable remote (SSH) access to the root account, but you still want a good password on your root account.
  Start sshd(8) by default? [yes] Enter
Usually, you will want sshd(8) running. If your application has no need for sshd(8), there is a small theoretical security advantage to not having it running.
  Start ntpd(8) by default? [no] y
  NTP server? (hostname or 'default') [default] Enter
You are here given an option of running OpenNTPD, OpenBSD’s NTP implementation. OpenNTPD is a low-impact way of keeping your computer’s clock accurately synchronized. The default configuration, using pool.ntp.org, uses a large number of free-access time servers around the world.
One reason you may NOT want to run ntpd(8) is if you are running a dual-boot system mostly using another OS which doesn’t use a GMT-set hardware clock, as you wouldn’t want OpenBSD altering the time for your other OS.
  Do you expect to run the X Window System? [yes] Enter
Not all platforms will ask if you expect to run X, those that do require a sysctl to be set to use X. Answering “y” here will modify /etc/sysctl.conf to include the line machdep.allowaperture=1 or machdep.allowaperture=2, depending on your platform.
If you do not intend to run X on this system or are not sure, answer ‘N’ here, as you can easily change it by editing /etc/sysctl.conf and rebooting, should you need to later. There is a potential security advantage to leaving this aperture driver xf86(4) disabled, as the graphics engine on a modern video card could potentially be used to alter memory beyond the processor’s control. Note that non-graphical applications that require X libraries and utilities to run do NOT need this sysctl to be set.
  Do you want the X Window System to be started by xdm(1)? [no] y
xdm(1) starts the X environment at system boot. We’d recommend doing this at install only if you are very confident that X will work on your system by default. Otherwise, configure X before setting up xdm(1).
  Setup a user? (enter a lower-case loginname, or 'no') [no] Enter
You are being given an opportunity to create a user OTHER than root for system maintenance. This user will be a member of the “wheel” group so they can run su(1)and receive mail addressed to root. You will be prompted for a password.
Note that if you wish to create the user, enter the user’s name, not “y” or “yes”.

Setting up disks

Important Note: Users with a large hard disk (larger than was commonly available when your computer was made) will want to see this section before going any further.
Laying out your disk appropriately is probably the most difficult part of an OpenBSD install.
Setting up disks in OpenBSD varies a bit between platforms. For i386amd64macppczaurus and armish, disk setup is done in two stages. First, the OpenBSD slice of the hard disk is defined using fdisk(8), then that slice is subdivided into OpenBSD partitions using disklabel(8).
Some users may be a little confused by the terminology used here. It will appear we are using the word “partition” in two different ways. This observation is correct. There are two layers of partitioning in the above OpenBSD platforms, the first, one could consider the Operating System partitioning, which is how multiple OSs on one computer mark out their own space on the disk, and the second one is how the OpenBSD partition is sub-partitioned into individual filesystems. The first layer is visible as a disk partition to DOS, Windows, and any other OS that uses this disk layout system, the second layer of partitioning is visible only to OpenBSD and those OSs which can directly read an OpenBSD filesystem.
OpenBSD’s new installer attempts to make your disk layout tasks easier by having a sane default for “general” use. Note that many people will still want to customize the default, or use their own disk layout, but new users should probably start with this configuration until they see what they need to do differently. Note that the default layout will vary depending on how large your disk system is.
For now, we’ll take the defaults on our 40G disk.
  Available disks are: wd0.
  Which one is the root disk? (or 'done') [wd0] Enter
  Use DUIDs rather than device names in fstab? [yes] Enter
  Disk: wd0       geometry: 5221/255/63 [40960 Megabytes]
  Offset: 0       Signature: 0xAA55
              Starting         Ending         LBA Info:
   #: id      C   H   S -      C   H   S [       start:        size ]
   0: 06      0   1   1 -    521 254  63 [          63:     8385867 ] DOS > 32MB
   1: 00      0   0   0 -      0   0   0 [           0:           0 ] unused
   2: 00      0   0   0 -      0   0   0 [           0:           0 ] unused
   3: 00      0   0   0 -      0   0   0 [           0:           0 ] unused
  Use (W)hole disk or (E)dit the MBR? [whole] Enter
  Setting OpenBSD MBR partition to whole wd0...done.
Note that this disk has a pre-existing partition on it – using “whole” disk will remove it!.
Setting up the “whole” disk for OpenBSD does a number of important things:
  • Erases any existing partitions on the disk.
  • Creates an MBR and disk signature so the disk can be booted.
  • Creates an OpenBSD partition using the entire disk.
  • Sets that partition as “active”.
There are many times when you won’t want to do that, including:
  • You wish to retain other OS partitions.
  • You wish to retain “setup”, “suspend to disk”, or other system partitions.
  • You wish to build a multi-booting system.
Note that it is critical that a new (or never-used for booting) drive has a valid MBR, a valid signature, an OpenBSD partition, and a partition flagged as “active”. If you don’t do these things using the “Use whole disk” option, you need to make sure they get done manually.
More information on fdisk partitioning your disk below.
Now we will break up our OpenBSD fdisk partition into OpenBSD disk partitions using disklabel(8):
  Setting OpenBSD MBR partition to whole wd0...done.
  The auto-allocated layout for wd0 is:
  #                size           offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
    a:          1024.0M               64  4.2BSD   2048 16384    1 # /
    b:           199.0M          2097216    swap                   
    c:         40960.0M                0  unused                   
    d:          2822.9M          2504768  4.2BSD   2048 16384    1 # /tmp
    e:          4295.0M          8286112  4.2BSD   2048 16384    1 # /var
    f:          2048.0M         17082240  4.2BSD   2048 16384    1 # /usr
    g:          1024.0M         21276544  4.2BSD   2048 16384    1 # /usr/X11R6
    h:          5426.7M         23373696  4.2BSD   2048 16384    1 # /usr/local
    i:          1699.7M         34487520  4.2BSD   2048 16384    1 # /usr/src
    j:          2048.0M         37968576  4.2BSD   2048 16384    1 # /usr/obj
    k:         20367.4M         42162880  4.2BSD   2048 16384    1 # /home
  Use (A)uto layout, (E)dit auto layout, or create (C)ustom layout? [a] Enter
The installer has presented us with its proposed “Auto layout” for OpenBSD partitions on our disk, which we are going to accept.
If the proposed layout is not appropriate for your needs, you can, of course, edit the default or customize it completely, more details on the disklabel partitioningbelow.
NOTE for re-installers: The new installer will not clear your old disklabel if you chose “(C)ustom Layout”, but you will need to re-specify each mount point using the ‘m’ option in disklabel(8).
The installer now creates those partitions and creates file systems on them using newfs(8), and mounts them for installation:
  /dev/rwd0a: 1024.0MB in 2097152 sectors of 512 bytes
  6 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
  /dev/rwd0k: 20367.4MB in 41712448 sectors of 512 bytes
  101 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
  /dev/rwd0d: 2822.9MB in 5781344 sectors of 512 bytes
  14 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
  /dev/rwd0f: 2048.0MB in 4194304 sectors of 512 bytes
  11 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
  /dev/rwd0g: 1024.0MB in 2097152 sectors of 512 bytes
  6 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
  /dev/rwd0h: 5426.7MB in 11113824 sectors of 512 bytes
  27 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
  /dev/rwd0j: 2048.0MB in 4194304 sectors of 512 bytes
  11 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
  /dev/rwd0i: 1699.7MB in 3481056 sectors of 512 bytes
  9 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
  /dev/rwd0e: 4295.0MB in 8796128 sectors of 512 bytes
  22 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
  /dev/wd0a on /mnt type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local)
  /dev/wd0k on /mnt/home type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev, nosuid)
  /dev/wd0d on /mnt/tmp type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev, nosuid)
  /dev/wd0f on /mnt/usr type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev)
  /dev/wd0g on /mnt/usr/X11R6 type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev)
  /dev/wd0h on /mnt/usr/local type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev)
  /dev/wd0j on /mnt/usr/obj type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev, nosuid)
  /dev/wd0i on /mnt/usr/src type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev, nosuid)
  /dev/wd0e on /mnt/var type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev, nosuid)
You will note there is a c partition we seem to have ignored. This partition is your entire hard disk; don’t attempt to alter it.
Choosing installation media and file sets
Next, you will get a chance to choose your installation media. In this case, we will install from an FTP server.
  Location of sets? (cd disk ftp http or 'done') [cd] ftp
  HTTP/FTP proxy URL? (e.g. 'http://proxy:8080', or 'none') [none] Enter
  Server? (hostname, list#, 'done' or '?') [mirror.example.org] obsd.cec.mtu.edu
If you can’t remember your favorite (or any!) mirror’s location, the installer will often be able to come up with a default of a mirror which will work well for you. Otherwise, hit “?” to have a list of mirrors displayed, and select the number of a mirror that will work well for you.
  Server directory? [pub/OpenBSD/5.2/i386] Enter
  Login? [anonymous] Enter
The public FTP mirrors all support anonymous downloads, of course, but you may have a local machine which requires a login and password.
You can now adjust the list of file sets.
  Select sets by entering a set name, a file name pattern or 'all'. De-select
  sets by prepending a '-' to the set name, file name pattern or 'all'. Selected
  sets are labelled '[X]'.
      [X] bsd           [X] etc52.tgz     [X] xbase52.tgz   [X] xserv52.tgz
      [X] bsd.rd        [X] comp52.tgz    [X] xetc52.tgz
      [ ] bsd.mp        [X] man52.tgz     [X] xshare52.tgz
      [X] base52.tgz    [X] game52.tgz    [X] xfont52.tgz
  Set name(s)? (or 'abort' or 'done') [done] Enter
At a bare minimum, you need to have a kernel (bsd), the base52.tgz and etc52.tgz file sets. Unless you know what you are doing, stick with the default sets. You can add and remove file sets using “+” and “-” chars in front of the file set name, and also use wildcards:
  • -comp52.tgz removes comp52.tgz
  • +bsd.mp adds bsd.mp
  • -x* removes all X components
But again, we’ll take the default. This machine is a single-processor system, so bsd.mp is not installed, but everything else is. If it could later be upgraded to a multi-processor system, you might want to install bsd.mp as well.
And now, we start our install! This is the point at which you might want to come back later if you have a slow computer or Internet connection, though with a fast computer and local files, this process may take just a couple minutes or less!
  bsd          100% |*************************************|  8810 KB    00:05
  bsd.rd       100% |*************************************|  6271 KB    00:03
  base52.tgz   100% |*************************************| 55415 KB    00:26
  etc52.tgz    100% |*************************************|   519 KB    00:00
  comp52.tgz   100% |*************************************| 60165 KB    00:28
  man52.tgz    100% |*************************************|  9497 KB    00:06
  game52.tgz   100% |*************************************|  2567 KB    00:02
  xbase52.tgz  100% |*************************************| 11028 KB    00:06
  xetc52.tgz   100% |*************************************| 63902       00:00
  xshare52.tgz 100% |*************************************|  4511 KB    00:04
  xfont52.tgz  100% |*************************************| 38869 KB    00:17
  xserv52.tgz  100% |*************************************| 25113 KB    00:15
  Location of sets? (cd disk ftp http or 'done') [done] Enter
Yes, it is asking us again where we wish to install things from. This is so either missed, forgotten or failed file sets can be re-installed, and also so custom file sets can be installed.
Again, we just take the default, we are done installing files
  What timezone are you in? ('?' for list) [Canada/Mountain] US/Michigan
OpenBSD assumes your computer’s real-time clock (RTC) is set to GMT, but you also have to specify what time zone you are in. There may be several valid answers for your physical location. Hitting “?” at the prompt will help guide you to finding a valid time zone name.
Note that the installer will quite often guess correctly for your time zone, and you can then just hit “Enter”.
If you have activated OpenNTPD above, you will likely get a prompt similar to this:
Time appears wrong.  Set to 'Thu Nov  1 19:50:15 EDT 2012'? [yes] Enter
This will set your computer’s time accurately.
More on setting the time zone here.
  Saving configuration files...done.
  Generating initial host.random file...done.
  Making all device nodes...done.

  CONGRATULATIONS! Your OpenBSD install has been successfully completed!
  To boot the new system, enter 'reboot' at the command prompt.
  When you login to your new system the first time, please read your mail
  using the 'mail' command.


First boot!

OpenBSD is now installed on your system and ready for its first boot, but before you do…

Before you reboot

At this point, your system is installed and ready to be rebooted and configured for service. Before doing this, however, it would be wise to check out the Errata pageto see if there are any bugs that would immediately impact you.

After you reboot

On your first boot, SSH keys will be generated. On modern computers, this will take a few seconds, you may not even notice it happening. On older systems, it may take many minutes, potentially even an hour or more for really slow systems.
One of your first things to read after you install your system is afterboot(8).

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